Marketing Channel Attribution


You're spending a lot of money each month on various traffic channels. Each vendor sends a monthly report showing you how many sales or leads they generated. But, if you add up the sales or leads from all those reports, the number they claim is higher than your actual sales or leads.


The first thing to realize is that the vendors aren't necessarily lying to you. Different platforms have completely different ways of reporting on conversions and your vendors

are just passing along the information given to them by platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads.

It's time to graduate beyond the limitations of the free web analytics tools and get an unbiased 3rd party analysis of your data from all channels combined. The result is a simple but powerful report telling you how to allocate budget across the various channels to generate more conversions and profits.

Schedule a time

Good at defining and solving problems but not a yes man. Not a fit if you're looking for someone to check off tasks in your list.

If you're not afraid of brutal honesty, schedule a time - let's talk.


Richard is obsessed with finding areas of opportunity for his clients by digging deeply into the analytics and focusing on what's working.

Michael Davis

After years of working with vendors who simply turn the knobs and hand you a report, it was exceptionally refreshing to work with Richard who provides candid feedback and truly understands the full lead lifecycle from intention to conversion and how it impacts your marketing efforts.

Nick Hotalling

Sr. Software Engineering Manager

The reports are insightful (and there isalways helpful homework to keep us on the right path)…and have strengthened ouronline presence.

Lisa Miller

Marketing Director

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