Clean data is more important than fancy algorithms

The crucial first step to using your data to make better decisions is the data preparation and cleaning.

This means fixing or removing incorrect, corrupted, incorrectly formatted, duplicate, or incomplete data within a dataset.

A clean dataset plus basic analysis will produce more valuable insight than an uncleaned dataset with advanced methods and a large cloud compute bill.

If data is incorrect, outcomes and algorithms are unreliable and even the fanciest of algorithms or models will struggle to learn

In other words, it's garbage in, garbage out.

So data cleaning is always the important first step. After this, you'll be ready for Data Analysis.

Schedule a time

WARNING: I'm good - really good - at defining problems and using data to solve them, but I'm NOT a yes man. If you're looking for someone to follow your system and check off tasks in your list, then we're not a fit.

But if you're ready to discover what insights your data holds, and you're not afraid of brutal honesty, then schedule a time - let's talk.


Richard is obsessed with finding areas of opportunity for his clients by digging deeply into the analytics and focusing on what's working.

Michael Davis

After years of working with vendors who simply turn the knobs and hand you a report, it was exceptionally refreshing to work with Richard who provides candid feedback and truly understands the full lead lifecycle from intention to conversion and how it impacts your marketing efforts.

Nick Hotalling

Sr. Software Engineering Manager

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