Predictive Analytics explains what is likely to happen in the future

When it's not enough to understand what happened in the past, you need to start leveraging your data to predict what may happen in the future. This process is called Predictive Analytics, and it's what separates data-driven businesses from all the rest.

Businesses benefit from using Predictive Analytics to solve a myriad of problems, including forecasting, risk management, fraud detection, and operational optimization. It can help organizations improve decision-making, optimize processes, and increase efficiency and profitability.

Here are some examples of how Predictive Analytics can help increase the effeciency of your marketing:

If you are a manufacturer, wouldn't it be great to know how many groups of similar customers you have?

Customer Analytics - Figure out how many types of customers you have and assign each customer into a predicted group so you can pseudo-personalize offers to members of each group in order to increase chances of buying more/again.

SAAS companies - Predict which customers will churn and why.

As powerful as Predictive Analytics is, however, it's meaningless if the data is so convoluted that no one at your company can read it. So the final piece is to export it into a dashboard that's so intuitive and's heroic.

Schedule a time

WARNING: I'm good - really good - at defining problems and using data to solve them, but I'm NOT a yes man. If you're looking for someone to follow your system and check off tasks in your list, then we're not a fit.

But if you're ready to discover what insights your data holds, and you're not afraid of brutal honesty, then schedule a time - let's talk.


Richard is obsessed with finding areas of opportunity for his clients by digging deeply into the analytics and focusing on what's working.

Michael Davis

After years of working with vendors who simply turn the knobs and hand you a report, it was exceptionally refreshing to work with Richard who provides candid feedback and truly understands the full lead lifecycle from intention to conversion and how it impacts your marketing efforts.

Nick Hotalling

Sr. Software Engineering Manager

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